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Kent Mentor Support

KMS provides a welcoming environment for young people to learn, who are not accessing mainstream education at either school or college. Most of the students that attend KMS have 'special educational needs' (SEN) often undiagnosed. The service also caters for learners with mental health difficulties such as social anxiety, for whom many have missed large parts of their education despite being academically very able. KMS work towards removing some of these obstacles to learning adopting a calm approach and nurturing environment.

Primarily we aim to raise standards in the core subjects (English, Maths and Science). However, we offer a broad and varied range of subjects and approaches which help to ensure young people stay engaged and interested.

Our post 16 students are offered a choice of 'preparation for life and work', Land based and equine studies and food technology which can act as a foundation for future progression pathway into their chosen career.

All courses offer work placements and experience which many students have not previously experienced.

All students work towards relevant qualifications, awards, certification, or accreditation depending on their own individual needs and requirements.


A key part of the service that KMS offer is a mentoring service. Mentoring is one to one time between a mentor and their mentee. Mentoring provides emotional support, guidance and a sense of continuity and stability, which may otherwise be missing in their lives. At its most basic level, mentoring guarantees a young person someone who will be there for them, someone with whom they can build a relationship and over time trust that they are not alone in dealing with day-to-day challenges.

Through successful mentoring constructive friendships are born in which mentee's learned to trust and value their mentor. Mentors offer their time to young people by providing guidance and moral support, assisting with the development of essential social skills, and enabling the young person to recognise their own strengths, grow in confidence and overcome difficulties.

KMS actively encourage young people to participate in activities, in doing so we aim to create an effective setting for the mentor to work.

Through observation and participation in activities our mentors can begin to evaluate and respond to areas a young person needs support in to develop essential life skills. Activities are leisure based but tailored to the needs and abilities of each individual young person.

Tuition service

Typically our tuition service caters for children and young people who are not accessing conventional school placements due to a variety of unique circumstances.

These can include:

  • young people with temporary or permanent school exclusions,
  • young people new to the area who are exploring other local school placements,
  • young people struggling to cope in mainstream school or within special provisions.
  • Young people educated within the home environment due to physical, social or emotional mobility restrictions


  • Independent School called Cross keys Learning for 10 secondary aged pupils (11-16) who are unable to access mainstream School
  • KMS Post 16 courses for 16- 24 year olds who are unable to access mainstream college or further education
  • KMS Tuition service offering bespoke educational packages for Learners who are out of the education system for whatever reason
  • KMS mentoring service to offer support and guidance to those young people who may benefit from such interventions


We were recently awarded an outstanding achievement award from the 'Virtual School' in Kent for our excellent work with 'looked after children'

    Kent Mentor Support Logo
    NameSteve Fuller
    Phone01843 603952
    Mobile07884 144625
    AddressKMS & Cross Keys Learning, Suites 1 & 2
    The LEAD Centre
    Dane Valley Road
    St Peter's
    CT10 3JJ