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Browns Trimming

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Founded by two brothers, Loz and Mat - Initially working out of a home garage, they have grown into a fully fledged vehicle trimming and upholstery business in just 5 years.

Their background has been in the upholstery business for all their working lives and they have handled pretty much every vehicle including light aircrafts, boats, coaches, Aston martins, Porsches, Lamborghini's and even a Robin Reliant!

A large part of their work is in the classic car area but they also specialise in all types of VW's, with one of their bay window vans winning awards at national shows.

They've recently been lucky enough to venture into the Hot Rod market which is very interesting and unique work.

They have worked extensively in Ramsgate Harbour on lots of different boats from pilot boats to luxury yachts, even reupholstering all of P&O's captains seats.

Although they specialise in vehicle trimming they also work closely with a number of specialist antique dealers, re-upholstering furniture in the traditional way using horse hair and hand stitching - a dying art these days.

Browns Trimming have also handled commercial seating for diners, hairdressers, beauticians, barbers and restaurants in the last few years and recently worked with the newly opened Albion House Hotel, upholstering chesterfields and other traditional pieces of furniture for the restaurant and bar area along with headboards and occasional furniture in the bedrooms.

The furniture was featured in Channel 5's The Hotel Inspector.

    Browns Trimming Logo
    CategoryCar Trimming & Upholstery
    NameLoz Brown
    Address38 Blenheim close
    Pysons rd Industrial Estate
    CT10 2YF